If you’re looking impartially and unemotionally at the options ahead when starting your own business, you have to admit...
Here are some of the questions about starting a business that come up frequently. Q: I’m thinking about turning my hobb...
Before you start a business, and perhaps leave a job, try working out if your idea will be worth the risk. If you’re confid...
It can be easy for your heart to rule your head when you find a business you want to buy. However, if you don’t do thor...
A SWOT analysis is used to help fine-tune your business strategy by examining internal and external factors that may help or ...
Before you start a business, you need to know exactly how much money you’ll need, and where it’s coming from. You’r...
The break-even point is the point at which your company makes enough money to cover its costs. Past this point, the company s...
Coming up with a new idea is exciting, and you probably want to jump straight in and make it happen. But before you invest to...
1. Generate sales as quickly as possible Your first priority when you launch your business is to gain some traction in the ma...